Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

Are There Few that Be Saved?



Luke 13:23-28 — In this sermon on Luke 13:23–28 titled “Are There Few That Be Saved?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on Christ answering a man’s question: “how many will be saved?” Instances like these, Dr. Lloyd-Jones says, allow the believer to see how Jesus walked and talked on Earth. These conversations are important because understanding how Christ acted clues Christians into how He has always been, since the beginning, and for eternity. Jesus answers, “Strive to enter through the narrow door.” Dr. Lloyd-Jones, however, wants to know why Christ answered so strangely. He didn’t quote a number or provide a list of names. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says Jesus didn’t answer because the question wasn’t important. It doesn’t matter how many people will be saved, but rather if the one asking will be saved. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that these types of questions reveal a person’s heart. The man asking Jesus wasn’t interested salvation. He wanted to approach Christ as an equal, to discuss matters of philosophy or theology. H