Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

In the Shadow of His Wing



Luke 13:34-35 — Who are the hypocrites? In this sermon on Luke 13:34–35 titled “In the Shadow of His Wing,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains how those who rejected Jesus in the time of his ministry were just like those that persecuted the prophets and murdered them in the Old Testament. The greatest opposition to Jesus came not from the outright rebellious world, but from the religious leaders of the day. They killed their Messiah because He was not what they wanted Him to be. Dr. Lloyd-Jones further expands this convicting message by showing what the Jewish leaders did in rejecting Jesus and killing him is no different than what the modern-day religious person does. They seek to live by their own righteousness and feel no need for a crucified savior. Those who reject Him do so not out of intellectual opposition and reason, but because they are sinners who have been blinded by their evil ways. But in the gospel, there is power to save even the most sin-hardened hypocrite, for the gospel is God’s power unto sal