We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

036 Sheryl Glick



Medium, Reiki Master Teacher and Energy Healer, Sheryl Glick hosts the radio show called "Healing from Within." She's out to help heal & inspire people suffering from illness, grief over the death of loved ones, or the other seemingly insurmountable challenges that life presents.  She is the author of the book  The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love  and  Life Is No Coincidence, The Life and Afterlife Connection  This amazing woman is a longtime hospice volunteer and I know Sheryl is an angel for helping those she meets. Find out more about Sheryl and hear her radio show, Healing from Within on www.sherylglick.com and explores the many facets of universal energy healing and the aligning of our physical and inner being for a complete, healthy and dynamic human experience and to encourage the most loving ways for us to reach out to each other as we develop into more civilized and conscientious human beings. We can find joy in the knowledge that what comes from the spirit goes back to the s