Spirit Girls With Jessica Reid

EP 215 : Feminine Softness, Calling In The Divine Masculine From Your Partner, How It Relates To Abundance!



Hi Loves! I've been noticing lately that there's been a huge activation of the divine masculine to come forward and meet with the divine feminine in union,A lot of couples are either finding this embodiment, Delving deeper into their union + Feeling more connected / balanced / supported than ever ...Or it's coming up as a very clear imbalance in relationship, Creating a bit of fragility / disconnection. A lot of women are feeling like they've been holding the masculine role themselves and are deeply desiring to soften and call forward the divine masculine in their partner, In order to feel safe / sure / supported in their relationship.Which is correlating with how the collective is needing to balance out in union too (rather than the constant 'battle of the sexes')This subject also flows on from last weeks episode around abundance as their can be another level of abundance to experience when the DF + DM are co-creating from this alignment!I've had sooooo many convos around this lately and have a lot of though