The Modern Mann

Into The Deep (Season 6, Ep5)



Diving up to 700ft with no oxygen tank may seem like an extreme sport, but instructor Emma Farrell says freediving is more like a meditative state. Coaching Olly to hold his breath like an underwater explorer, she explains why she's never more relaxed than when she's 'one breath away from potential death'. Meanwhile, Ollie Peart - fresh from testing out 'Carrotea' on an unsuspecting culinary professional - considers the benefits of crowdfunded wearable air conditioning in this week's Zeitgeist; and reflects on the curious case of nature photographer David Slater. He also reports back on his challenge to try out aerial pilates - could now be the moment to bring it to Dorchester? Elsewhere, Alix Fox tries out binaural dinner dating and Liquid Silk lubricant in this week's Foxhole, and sets about myth-busting hymen-busting: is losing your virginity always painful? And, if both people in a couple are still virgins, is it necessary or relevant to get STI-tested before doing the deed? The Foxhole, as ever, is spons