The Modern Mann

The Knock On The Door



Teaching English in Beijing seemed like a great opportunity for Welsh graduate Glen Williams, who’d previously spent time studying in China. He could brush up on his Mandarin, work with children, and earn up to £3k per month tax free. The hitch? The agency that placed him told him that every three months, he’d need to spend the weekend in Seoul - a ‘visa trip’ that, he soon discovered, was commonplace amongst ex-pat EFL teachers.  Then, one day, they changed their tune. “If the Police ask you”, they said, “tell them you sell whiteboards”. In this interview with Olly, Glen reveals what happened next…  ———————————— Meanwhile, in the Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart, fresh from mastering ‘the Crow Pose’ on Instagram, attempts to dominate the internet through the medium of keyword spamming.  Can his well-established musical talent - now masquerading as alter-ego Captain Spronk - stretch to luring in listeners with clickbait titles like ‘Music For Focus’, ‘Music For Meditation’, and, um, ‘Olly Mann’? Judge for yourself, if