The Modern Mann

The 24 Weekers



Elaine Gregersen was 24 weeks pregnant when her waters broke. Having endured sickness throughout her high-risk pregnancy, she and husband Mark had not suspected anything sinister was happening when she appeared to be suffering from bladder weakness too.  After a traumatic 24 hours in the maternity ward, the Gregersens were faced with the reality that their twin boys, Henry and Blake, were unlikely to both survive beyond the neonatal unit. In this interview with Olly, they tell their story.  Content warning: intense experience, infant mortality.  — Meanwhile, in the Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart investigates if, following the Coronation of King Charles III, Republican sentiment is trending upwards. What path is there for Royal refuseniks to achieve their desire for an elected UK Head of State? Thanks to columnist and commentator Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Ollie unpicks the arguments monarchists put forward - and rewrites the National Anthem whilst he’s at it… If you’ve got a trend for Ollie to test in a future editio