Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#46: Ask Dr. Meg



One of Dr. Meg’s favorite things is to answer questions from you, the listener. This is a special episode of the “Parenting Great Kids” podcast as Dr. Meg devotes the entire episode to doing just that, helping you make sense of roadblocks we all encounter as parents. With questions ranging from sleeping and feeding schedules for newborns to dealing with shy personalities, “America’s Mom” helps you navigate many situations that you must handle with your kids that can often be tricky. Do you have a question for Dr. Meg? If so, email them to and she could answer your question in an upcoming episode! Let us know what you think about the podcast by leaving a review on iTunes!   0:00 – AD - LADDER Is life insurance on your to-do list for the new year? Ladder provides life insurance for modern families with a streamlined, online process that gives you an instant decision, and coverage can even start today if you qualify! To learn more or get a free quote, visit!   0:26