Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#80: Helping Kids Overcome Disabilities (with guest Dr. Tyler Sexton)



When you first find out that you are going to become a parent, the dreams about who your child will become innately begin! Will he play sports? Will she be a softball player? Will she become a pianist like me? Will he love basketball like his daddy does? These are all questions that parents ask themselves, whether they try to or not, when they find out a child is on the way. The difficulties set in when a parent finds out that their child will have or does have a disability. The next set of questions follows the first. Will he be able to play with the other kids at recess? Will she be able to keep up with the other girls on the playground? Will he be able to throw a ball? What will she miss out on because of her disability? Again, these are questions that are natural when that kind of diagnosis is given. That’s why in this episode Dr. Meg talks with Dr. Ty Sexton. Ty was born with cerebral palsy and his parents didn’t expect him to have a long life and successful career, especially as a doctor. Dr. Ty defies