Hyde Park United Methodist

Love For All, Part 1 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // October 29, 2023



Our generosity begins with the generosity of God, who calls us to be in a special relationship together, for the benefit of the world. This is the basis of the important biblical concept of covenant, seen most vividly in the call of Abraham. And just as Abraham gave a tenth of his belongings as a response to God’s covenant, we are called to be generous as a response to God’s goodness. HydeParkUMC.org/NextStepsHydePartkUMC.org/LoveForAllReflection Questions:1. How have you experienced God’s unconditional love for you? In what ways do you struggle with believing that?2. How have you seen God loving all people through this church?3. How will you respond with gratitude and generosity to God’s love in your life?