In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

Optimizing Erectile Health



Erectile dysfunction is a complex issue with various factors at play, including vascular, hormonal, and psychological elements that all intersect. Did you know that it can also be a strong predictor of future cardiovascular disease? Yes, ED is often a symptom of some underlying health issue, making it crucial to address holistically.  When trying to optimize erectile health, one aspect that often gets overlooked is nutrition. Your diet can impact all three of these factors - vascular, hormonal, and psychological. In this episode, we'll explore how factors like cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes can have a detrimental effect on your ability to achieve and maintain healthy erections. Meet Dr. Jason Stevens, RDN, DCN: Dr. Jason is a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who completed his advanced practice residency with Dr. Gronski, working primarily with men with chronic pelvic pain. He was awarded a medal for outstanding clinical performance for his residency