This Organized Life

ep 218: Finding Courage with Franziska Iseli



Hi Friends! I was introduced to today’s guest, Franziska Iseli, after reading her book, The Courage Map. The book chronicles her personal journal of traveling from Switzerland to Kazakhstan on a motorbike with nothing but a backpack and a notebook.Franziska is one of the most interesting guests I have had on the show. She is an adventure-seeking Swiss-Aussie who has authored 3 Best Selling books, in addition to being a social entrepreneur who is passionate  about ocean conservation.She has been featured across major media platforms including  INC, Forbes, Business Insider, Marie-Claire, and Cosmopolitan, but  I invited her to join me on TOL to talk about the experiences  and lessons learned from writing The Courage Map.During our conversation we talked aboutWhat prompted her to set off on a multi-country bike adventureLessons that she learned on her trip including: truth, intentions, trust, and loveWhy it’s easy for her to let go of material things (you have to listen to her story about giving her jacket to a