This Organized Life

ep 231: Behind the Scenes: Our Clients with Gail



Hi Friends! Today we are continuing our “Behind the Scenes” series where each week we peel back the curtain and talk about what goes into the different aspects of Simply B Organized. Last week, we looked at the SBO Partner Program, (if you haven’t had a chance to listen, make sure you hop back and check it out!)Today we are looking at where SBO began, working onsite with clients! Joining me in the studio is my friend and colleague, Gail Waterman. This is Gail’s 3rd appearance on TOL (she was on ep 214 talking about money habits along with Rachel Cruze, and ep 165 Preparing for Aging Parents).In this episode, we share with you the work that we do for & with our clients.During our conversation we talk about:The work we do off-site during a projectThe importance of research and sourcing the best options for our clientsWhat makes our job more than labeling binsIf you are passionate about organizing and thinking about being a Professional Organizer we’d love to help you get started!Click HERE to fill out a bri