This Organized Life

ep 232: Behind the Scenes: The Podcast with Don Jackson



Hi Friends! I hope you’re enjoying our Behind the Scenes series of Simply B Organized.  Today I’m pulling back the curtain of what you’re listening to right here, This ORGANIZED Life Podcast! Joining me today as my co-host is my incredible podcast producer, Don Jackson of the Raven Media Group.When I decided to launch a podcast in January of 2017, I had no clue of what I was doing! I knew that there was a lot on the technical side with editing and production, so I immediately outsourced that part to an expert. What I didn’t know was all of the work required to make a successful show happen-and get listeners week after week.(It’s probably a good thing that I was clueless, because if I had known how much of my time would be spent working on this show, I more than likely would not have jumped in! ) During our conversation we talked about all of the moving parts including: Research, Scheduling Logistics, Content Creation and Marketing.We specifically dive into:How we find and book guestsHow we come up with topics