This Organized Life

ep 235: Work Life Integration with Emily Hay



Hi Friends! Years ago I intentionally started using the word “integration” in place of “balance” when describing the very delicate juggling act of motherhood, personal time, and my professional life.Over the years I’ve talked to countless women who are in a transitional period and not sure what to do: “I just had a baby and don’t want to go back to an office full-time” “ I’d love to run my own business, but don’t know where to start”“My kids are in school and I’m looking for something flexible and will challenge me”These are just a few of the comments I hear from people just like you.  My entire team at SBO (with the exception of Podcast Producer, Don) is made up of moms, and has been from the start. Today’s guest shares that same philosophy. Joining me today is Emily Hay, founder of Hay There Social Media-a boutique marketing agency where she helps women launch their own social media businesses so they too can live and work flexibly and intentionally with what she’s dubbed “Work+Life Integration Nation”.™”Du