This Organized Life

ep 236: LITTLE things with Erin Leonard



Hi Friends! Joining me today is Erin Leonard. Erin is the owner and creator of notice the LITTLE things where she provides practical ways for Moms to be more intentional about their time and space, so they can focus on the things that matter most to them. She is the mom to three young kiddos (who are super cute), a fellow coffee lover, an Enneagram 1 (which we will dig into), and as you’ll see from her adorable website, a lover of lower case letters (which I will definitely ask her about!)Erin shares how her LITTLE things blog started out of her own daily gratitude and has since grown into an entire business of digital & printable products .We also dig into strategies for people who are struggling to stick to a routine, and Erin shares some of her own tips and tricks.During the second half of our show, Erin talks about life growing up as an Enneagram 1 (aka The Perfectionist), and how her mom used to refer to her inner critic as her “imaginary audience.”  ( I so love that!)Erin opens up about  parenting a