This Organized Life

ep 240: Clutter Clinic: Kid Spaces



Hi Friends! It’s week 3 of our Clutter Clinic Series! So far this month we’ve talked about decluttering and organizing garages, closets, and today we are talking about toys and kid spaces (the bane of every parent’s existence!) .Whether you live in a house with a dedicated playroom, an apartment where space is limited, or fall somewhere in between-all parents have struggled at some point on how to keep toys and kid spaces organized.In this episode we get right down to it: When & how do you get the kids involved?What to do with toys you want to save for the next kid?How to make clean up easy and how often should we be purging old toys?I’ve also included a link to my popular 30 Day Kids Organizing Checklist which you can download here!Purging TipsLead with serviceMake purging a tradition (birthdays, Christmas/Hanukkah)Teach them young (avoid dark of night purging)Space to Inventory ratio (don’t have more than you can store)Use ESP (our EMPTY, SORT, PURGE method)Organizing TipsClean up every day (avoid the p