This Organized Life

Tip of the Week-Selective Minimalism



Before we get started a quick reminder: We have an upcoming FREE webinar on Sept 20th called 5 Ways to Make Money as a Professional Organizer. Spots are limited, so make sure you sign up (even if you can’t make the live event) we’ll be sending out the replay, but you MUST be registered first! Now on to the show!Today, we're diving headfirst into the fascinating concept of selective minimalism. Let's set the record straight from the get-go: while minimalism has taken the world by storm, you don't need to go all Marie Kondo to rock an organized life. It's about finding your own rhythm, and that's what we're about to explore together. As the years have gracefully passed me by, I've found myself drawn towards simplicity, eager to untangle my physical surroundings to free up space in my mind. And guess what? You can do it too, in your own unique way!So, here's the scoop: I'm here to encourage you to hop on the selective minimalism train. It's like minimalism's cool cousin, and it's all about focusing on areas of y