This Organized Life

Tip of the Week-Donate Old Books



Today's tip is all about tackling that mountain of old books. We've all got them, right? Those books that have sentimental value or an "I'll read it someday" mentality. But it's time to make some tough decisions.First, ask yourself if the book is still relevant. Let it go if it's a technology book from the Stone Age or a textbook from your college days. Information evolves, and so should your bookshelf.Next up, be honest about whether you'll ever read those books you've been collecting. We've all been there—buying with good intentions, but they gather dust. Consider letting them find new homes if you'll unlikely dive into them.Now, what to do with these books? Donating is a noble path. Libraries, schools, and even your local doctor's office can often use them. You might also find second-hand bookstores that accept donations, but check their criteria first.Decluttering isn't a one-time gig; it's a way of life. Spice it up by hosting a book swap with friends. Declutter while bonding over books, and it's a win-w