This Organized Life

Ep 357: Clutter & Anxiety with Dr. John Delony



Special shout out to our sponsor for today's episode: MYLIO PHOTOS. A safe, simple and practical platform for storing all of your digital photos and more! Visit to create your free account!Hi Friends,Today we’re talking about a topic that many of us can relate to-Anxiety. Joining me today is Dr. John Delony. John is a mental health expert and host of The Dr. John Delony Show. He is the author of the bestselling books Own Your Past, Change Your Future, Redefining Anxiety and his latest book, Building a Non-Anxious Life, which was just released. During our conversation we talked about:The connection between Clutter and Anxiety The 6 daily choices that can help us to build a non-anxious lifeWhy Living in a culture of abundance is contributing to our anxiety alarmsJohn opens up about his own personal struggles with anxiety and clutter. Together we walk through what steps he’s taken to live a more organized life. This is an open and honest conversation that I hope sparks conversations for you to hav