Fear Free Childbirth Podcast With Alexia Leachman | Childbirth | Pregnancy

Spirit Babies: Exploring Fertility and Conscious Conception



In this episode, my special guest is Emma Moon, a cosmic fertility guide and a spirit baby medium. Emma's unique background includes a Bachelor of Science in nursing and expertise as an integrative health practitioner. She blends both science and spirituality in her work, supporting women through their fertility journey, pregnancy, and conscious birth. Emma's approach involves connecting with the energy and spirit of her clients, helping them navigate emotional and spiritual blocks that may affect their fertility. Through a combination of nutrition, lifestyle changes, and intuitive guidance, she provides comprehensive support for women and couples. Conversations with Spirit Babies: Exploring Fertility and Conscious Conception In this episode, we delved into a wide array of thought-provoking questions with Emma. How does Emma Moon blend science and spirituality in her work as a cosmic fertility guide and spirit baby medium? Can emotional and spiritual blocks affect a person's fertility? How does Emma a