The Disciplined Investor

TDI Podcast: Energy Transitions (#834)



CPI Hot – PPI Hot – but markets shrug it off. ECB raised rates 0.25% in a semi-surprising move. Blackout period continues for the Fed ahead of next week’s rate meeting – what a relief. And our guest this week – Eric Townsend, Host of the MacroVoices podcast Check this out and find out more at: Erik Townsend is a retired software entrepreneur turned hedge fund manager. Throughout his career, Erik has capitalized on his ability to understand complex systems and anticipate paradigm shifts far in advance of the mainstream. A teenage computer protégé, he spent most of his high school years at MIT's Artificial Intelligence laboratory, where he taught himself several computer programming languages. Erik became an independent software development and design consultant to Digital Corporation's manufacturing systems technology group at age 17. By age 20 he owned his first private aircraft, after earning his private and commercial pilot's licenses. From his experience at