Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Idolatry in Today’s Churches – TS Wright pt 2



Idolatry in Today’s Churches TS Wright pt 2 Now, if you’ve been listening recently, you’ve heard several session with our guest today, TS Wright. We’ve done a deep dive on Revelation and the “7 Church Ages.”  If you missed any of those episodes, go look them up in our archives. On our last episode, we learned the possible significance of the year 2038 – and what that could mean. Today, we are going to discuss something that, I believe is very needful. It is also something that will probably make a lot of church pastors very upset. Maybe even mad. But that’s OK. If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know I say things that tend to slap pastor’s upside the head with the Word of God. I get told I’m “stepping on toes” with some of the teachings we do. That’s OK, too. If you don’t want your toes stepped on, don’t stick out there where I can jump on them. Amen!  Sometimes, people just get plain mad. That’s OK, too. They got mad at Jesus and He just kept on keeping on. Amen!  Some get mad – but oth