Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

The Challenge of the Gospel – Mike O’Dowd pt 1



The Challenge of the Gospel Mike O’Dowd - Pt 1 We all love a good story. And one of the all-time great story tellers was Jesus. Amen!  He almost always told his stories, called “parables,” in order to leave a memorable thought with his listeners. Well, our guest today is the same way. He loves to tell stories in order to make his point. Mike O'Dowd spent 24 years as a pilot in the Air Force, flying combat missions across seven deployments from 1985-2010. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for Valor in Combat. Today, he serves as the pastor of Leptondale Bible Church. In addition, he is a published author, with his debut novel, "The Gospel: A Redemption and Restoration Story." Pastor Michael uses the power of story to lead his readers through the epic message of good news beginning in Genesis (where it all started).  He continues all the way to Revelation, where this amazing story ends and, as the Bible says, “All things become new.” Amen! This book, “The Gospel: A Redemption and Restoration Story”