

Mark 10:17-25 — All try to find satisfaction in this life, but they must first seek God’s kingdom. Do not be deceived—not only will the unrighteousness not enter the kingdom, even the good one does is not enough. It is a peculiar, yet common fallacy. In this sermon on Mark 10:17–25 titled “The Way of Entry,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at the story of the rich young ruler to explain how Christianity is not just an addition to life, but a new life entirely. There are only two inevitable responses to Christ: either go after Him and forfeit everything, or be offended by Him and run away. No one can be indifferent to Christ. Find out how this young ruler was sorrowful due to both what Christ said, and what He did not say. All must come to the one who knows them better than they know themselves. God alone truly knows what everyone needs. Humanity’s problem is not intellectual; it is moral. God makes an impossible request that can only be fulfilled in Christ; do not walk away from Him. The listener is encouraged t