

Mark 12:28-31 — Chaos, conflict, and crisis are a regular part of the world. All of humanity’s attempts to bring peace and reconciliation fall short. In this sermon on Mark 21:28–31 titled “Love Thy Neighbour,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shares that humanity’s priorities are misplaced. Humankind tries to appease their own desires with their own answers. This human-centered approach is unbiblical because it does not start with God in order to understand the nature of humanity. Only when people see themselves as created by God and in need of redemption and reconciliation with God can they properly diagnose themselves and their problems. Until a person recognizes their sin and rebellion before God, they will never understand the depth of their alienation from one another and God. It is only the gospel that can free anyone from their guilt and sin before a holy God, and it is only by believing in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that they can truly live in fellowship and communion with one another. It is only by divine