Exploring The Prophetic With Shawn Bolz

Exploring the Prophetic with Jack G. Smith (Season 2, Ep. 22)



In this episode, Shawn Bolz interviews Jack G. Smith. God is into real estate and using it to redefine culture! Jack is the Founder of Santa Barbara Funding Group, an innovative real estate finance firm who was given an awesome assignment in 2015 when he heard from the Lord. Jack clearly heard the Lord was releasing lands, buildings, and properties for kingdom purposes like never before, and that he was to help fund these properties for the glory of Jesus. Since that day, he has been able to help bring in several nearly impossible kingdom properties for ministries and families who have a vision for Heaven on that piece of earth! Join the conversation as Shawn and Jack discuss his faith in his God assignment in real estate, amazing story of a God moment in an airport, and his vision to reshape cities and culture. Receive the impartation at the end!