Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Using Quantum Reality for Success – John Jay McKey pt 2



Using Quantum Reality for Success  John Jay McKey pt 2 What is success?  Many people may define it financially, others politically. Still others as contentment. But – what is it really? If you are like about 100% of the other people in this world, you’ve had plans go awry. You’ve had some major setbacks. You’ve had things turn out completely different from your goals were going in! Is this because you did something wrong? Is this because the world was stacking the odds against you?  Not all the time – no. So, how do we define success?  To answer that question, our guest today says that “great personal growth only comes as a result of great challenge in our lives.” For 28 years John Jay McKey has been a student of success, building and leading data analysis teams at a Big Four firm, with a Fortune 100 corporation, and also at the Office of Inspector General in Washington, DC.  While commuting from Chicago to Washington D.C. to work for the OIG, Jay had an epiphany that uncovered the underpinning of all success