Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Christian Message and the World



Matthew 24:6 — Opponents of Christianity will say that the gospel is too narrow and that Christians must conform their worldview. How should Christians respond to this charge and the subsequent challenge? In this sermon on Matthew 24:6 titled “The Christian Message and the World,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches through these issues, showing the incompatibilities of the competing worldviews. The world tends to think of people together in groupings. Yet, as Dr. Lloyd-Jones duly notes, Jesus addressed the individual and not the whole. He preached the gospel to all but He was clear in stating that individuals must make decisions themselves about whether or not to accept His offer of forgiveness since they alone will be held responsible for their eternal state. Another area the world falls short in is that it puts care and worry of the body ahead of the soul. Scripture clearly emphasizes that it is useless to gain anything in this life if the soul is lost in the end. Christianity gives its followers hope because