

Matthew 22:34-40 — What is the relationship between teaching and good deeds in the Bible? In this sermon on Matthew 22:34–40 titled “Man and Dogma,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones responds to those that say they do not want dogma, but only what is practical and what helps them love their neighbor. He shows the fallacy of this question because Biblical dogma, or teaching, is related to love of neighbor and good deeds. It is only once the sinful nature of humanity, the redemptive work of Christ, and the need for repentance is understood that anyone can understand why they must love their neighbor. Moralistic legalism exists when the teachings of Scripture are done away with in order to focus on morality. This creates a false Christianity that is devoid of the gospel and therefore devoid of any hope. The church must preach the whole counsel of God. This includes both the need for salvation from sins and the need to live in holiness and righteousness towards one’s neighbors. Love of neighbor and love of God are connected