Hosts Of Eden

Room for One More



(FICTION) Welcome to season two of Hosts of Eden, a serial, science-fiction podcast written and performed by storyteller Jay Mcfarland. Marian and Mason come up with a very risky plan to help the president and the fallen special forces agent. But the idea comes with serious ethical concerns. Is it worth overlooking the ethics in order to find out what Colby knows and form a plan to thwart the military installation's mysterious intruder? Meanwhile, an old friend shows up in desperate need of help.  Take an audio adventure and binge listen to this 10-part modern radio drama on the KSL Newsradio app, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you get podcasts.  "Hosts of Eden" is a fictional podcast, written and performed by Jay Mcfarland. Mcfarland is the Host of "The JayMac News Show,” which airs weekdays at 12:30-2 pm on Salt Lake City's KSL NewsRadio. Don’t forget to review and subscribe to the JayMac News Show podcast on Apple Podcasts. Or follow Jay on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.    KSL News Radio is