The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP508: Heather Whelpley - How To Break All The Rules & Create A Business That Works For You



“Recognize whatever rules were handed to you and then make a conscious choice about them and then make that choice. Know that your worth does not come from anything outside of them. ”Today's guest, Heather Whelpley is an award-winning speaker and the author of An Overachiever's Guide to Breaking the Rules: How to Let Go of Perfect and Live Your Truth. Her journey from being an overachiever to discovering her true worth is truly inspiring. She shared her story of excelling academically, working in the corporate world for a decade, and eventually transitioning into entrepreneurship. Heather's transformation occurred when she realized that she had been putting excessive pressure on herself to prove her worth through achievements and productivity, it then led her to the profound insight that our worth is intrinsic and not tied to external validation.Heather discusses the importance of challenging societal and cultural rules that often lead to burnout and a constant pursuit of success. She emphasized the significa