Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Educational Debt Cancellation Foundation – Dr. Jennoa Graham



Educational Debt Cancellation Foundation  Dr. Jennoa Graham We have all seen the news recently with the government trying to figure out how to help struggling college graduates to pay their student loans. Part of the issue has been the ease with which students can obtain loans, sometimes totaling tens of thousands of dollars – or more! The belief is they will be able to find a great job with a degree and pay it off. But in many cases, that is not the case. Loans need to be repaid. If not, your credit ratings will suffer – and that just adds to the burden graduates face as they are trying to establish their lives after college. Adding to the burdensome brew are predatory lenders and universities that are disingenuous with students and their ability to repay student loans. Moreover, politicians continually make promises to relieve the burden of educational indebtedness. They have not. Single parents are especially vulnerable. Whether their circumstances result from divided families, death, a growing hope for t