Cities And Memory

Ripples on the surface of the absolute



"Since first reading about the Music for Sleep theme for this project, I have spent quite a bit of time talking to friends and family about their sleep patterns and the techniques they use to help them get to sleep. I have also been doing some reading on the sounds, tones and patterns that can sometimes help people achieve the state of being asleep. Within “Ripples on the Surface of the Absolute” there are six movements. Each movement is inspired by my research and on my own personal experience with sleep. The field recording I chose for this project is used in almost all the non synth-based sounds. The six movements are: I Breathe II The Storm Before III The Calm IV Counting Electric Sheep V Ripples VI Lullaby" Crecy-Couve river reimagined by NAHTHAN.  Part of the Music for Sleep project - for more information and to hear more sounds from the collection, visit