Court Leader's Advantage

Leading in Tough Times: Can We Stay Savvy About Statistics?



September 19th, 2023, Court Leader’s Advantage Podcast Episode As court leaders, we are inundated with statistics and research.  We have all been taught to have a healthy skepticism of statistics.  We are given advice that includes: ask questions, go to the source of the research, and expose the assumptions behind the analysis.  We have seen what happens when research is not properly evaluated.  As a consequence, we are compelled to ensure that statistical analysis is objective and unbiased, valid and reliable, able to be replicated, and relevant to the work of your court.   Having a healthy skepticism is all the more important in this day and age of polarizing misinformation.  Most of us have heard that old joke “73.6% of all statistics are made up on the spot.” We don’t want to be the one who is naïvely hooked by questionable statistical research.  This advice is all so easy to give, but just how do we hone our critical thinking skills?   Imagine this common scenario, you are in a session with 500 attendee