Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

ChristiTutionalist Politics – Joseph M. Lenard



ChristiTutionalist Politics Joseph M. Lenard You can’t help but see the division of the United States happening right before our very eyes. Right versus left. Democrat versus Republican. Black versus White versus Hispanic versus Asian. It’s in the news every day. It’s happening in the streets every night. It’s dividing households and families. It’s creating havoc in work places and it’s tearing the very fabric of our democracy apart at the seams. So, the question is: “What do we do about it?” This nation was founded on the Judeo-Christian standards of morality and law. Our Constitution was formed and ratified to keep the power in the hands of the people. Not through a majority vote, but through a representative government. But now, we see that the so called “leaders” of this land, at all levels of government, are not there to represent the people, per se… but to line their own pockets at the expense of the people. Jesus famously said, “If a nation is divided against itself, it will not stand.” Abraham Linco