Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Healing Rain - Sue Detweiler pt 1



Healing Rain Sue Detweiler pt 1 Are you tired of encountering walls of resistance on your path to healing? If you are, know that you are not alone. Many believers face the trenches of despair and sickness, feeling trapped and powerless in their circumstances. Throughout my experiences over the last 30 years and through the stories shared by many people I’ve interviewed over the last few years on this podcast, I have witnessed the incredible wisdom and life-changing power of divine healing over and over again. I've seen hearts mended, bodies restored, and lives forever transformed by the miraculous touch of Jesus. Divine healing is not a far-fetched concept reserved for a select few; it is a reality available to every believer.  The redeeming force of Christ’s sacrifice knows no bounds, and through understanding and embracing this truth, you can walk confidently toward complete restoration. To help explain this even further, we are blessed to have as our guest today, Sue Detweiler. Sue is a pioneer woman past