

Matthew 9:16-17 — What is at the center of Jesus’s message? What is at the heart of all the parables and teachings of Jesus? In this sermon on wineskins from Matthew 9:16–17, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches that it is not the external ritualistic religion found in many churches today, nor is it the message of works righteousness. But at the heart of the message of Jesus is the truth that the gospel is the power of God to save. It is the truth that Jesus is the Messiah who came to die for sinners. By the working of the Holy Spirit, sinners can repent and believe in Jesus. They can be set free from sin and the wrath of God because of the gospel. The very presence of the gospel transforms people and confronts sin; it destroys the old life and breathes new life in Christ. What does this message mean for each and every person? The gospel is a call to believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. It is a call to experience the new life in Christ free from sin and evil. The gospel calls all to repent of their sins a