Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

Sheep Without a Shepherd



Matthew 9:36 — What are the essentials of the Christian gospel? In this sermon on Matthew 9:36 titled “Sheep Without a Shepherd,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones analyzes this passage in which Jesus sees a multitude of people and has compassion on them. Dr. Lloyd-Jones recognizes the unique authority of Jesus, the truth of the sinful disposition, and the comfort that only Christ can bring as essentials of the gospel. He examines the human condition and finds that all are still sheep without a shepherd. Despite the appearance of development and progress, life is the same. The multitude is rightly related to sheep in the way they are fainting, scattered abroad, harassed, mangled, and distressed. They are sheep at the mercy of thieves and robbers, dogs and wolves. Men and women are in a state of bewilderment and all have gone astray. The world is without a shepherd—no politician, no statesman, no philosopher, or thinker can give rest from this bewilderment. Yet, Jesus Christ looks upon humanity and is moved with compassi