Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Solo Episode: Bringing to Light The Gifts in Your Wounding with Julie Foucht



In today's enchanting episode, we dive deep into the sacred realm of our wounds. I will unravel the mystical art of healing, honoring, and transforming those wounded parts of ourselves. Wounds, you see, are like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, holding the key to unlocking our innate gifts and potential. Join us on this magical journey as we explore the various facets of wounds and how they shape our lives, either keeping us ensnared in stagnation or empowering us to illuminate the world. Tune in with an open heart...Let me share with you:    - What is a wound, in relation to human experience   - How does the wounding cause us to self-sabotage  - The personas that are created by the wounding experience  - Journey from being wounded to real self-transformation  - The role of vulnerability in attracting your right clients   Purchase your copy of Love Based Feminine Marketing: The Art of Growing a 6-Figure Business Without Hustle, Grind, or Force, ( TODAY!!!   Subscribe now