Faith Producers International Podcast




SPIRITUAL ADRENALINE   The starting gun fires with a bang, and 12 runners leap into the race. Plans have been made and carried out for years so that each individual here would be in this contest. Practice and practice again until the body is ready to run the race to win. After all that has been done to prepare, there's just one thing missing: an ingredient that will give them the ability to succeed. The missing ingredient is adrenaline. Adrenaline in the natural body is held in reserve until it is needed. The term that is used is "fight or flight." Both of those things need adrenaline to make it happen. That mysterious ingredient in the body kicked in when the gun went off, and the muscles fired off with superpower. So it is in the spiritual world and the life that you live as a son of God. It's called spiritual adrenaline. Jesus said to his disciples that they would receive power after the Holy Ghost came upon them. ( ACTS 1:8) that power is God's spiritual adrenaline called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit