Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

Are You Carrying an Unseen Mental Load?



Have you ever wondered why women often find themselves juggling a multitude of tasks and responsibilities both at home and in the workplace? Why is it that women seem to be burdened with an invisible load that is attached to the roles traditionally assigned to them? This episode aims to shed light on the concept of the "mental load" carried by women and how it differs from their male counterparts. We will explore the various dimensions of this complex issue, its historical roots, its impact on women's lives, and the urgent need for change in societal norms. Resources Episode Show Notes: Transcript and links mentioned in this episode. Saboteur Assessment: Find out which Saboteurs are impacting your performance, wellness and relationships, and how they do it. Register for the How to Get Mentally Fit webinar: Learn the 3 core muscles to build to gain mental fitness. Leadership Coaching: If you are interested in finding out more about my coaching process, the cost of coaching, or how to ask your employer to pa