Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Prophecy of Daniel



Daniel 7:9-14 — In this sermon on Daniel 7:9–14 titled “The Prophesy of Daniel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the relevancy of this prophesy and the Bible as a whole. Humanity’s sinful state is explained and there is a prophecy of what is yet to come. Much of what Scripture conveys has already become part of history. The Bible’s future prophesies are verified by this history taking place as it was foretold. Learn to distinguish between two types of history—the perspective of humanity and of God. Daniel’s prophecy combines both. A glance at history shows an array of wars as Daniel prophesied. A shift from the war of the beast to that of the intellect occurs. Humanity is trying to change laws, time, and nature. This history is written in rebellion to God, proclaiming that control belongs to humanity. God’s perspective shows the vanity of this. God only permits humanity’s free hand for a time. This kingdom will be utterly destroyed, as it has been throughout history. One must look at Christ’s kingdom as this