Resolution Foundation Podcasts

War or peace? How the public views Britain’s generational strains – and the policy responses to them



There is overwhelming evidence that Britain’s social contract is under strain. Young people today aren’t enjoying big generational living standards improvements, and are struggling to match lifecycle milestones that previous cohorts enjoyed, like a secure job and a home that they own. These problems are widely recognised – but that doesn’t mean that solutions are widely supported. Do different age groups acknowledge the specific issues that young generations face? How do family ties with younger generations influence older adults’ beliefs, support for targeted policies and voting behaviour? And what does all this mean for political parties’ strategies, given their increasingly age-concentrated voter bases? The Resolution Foundation is hosting an in-person and interactive webinar to debate and answer these questions. Following a presentation of the key highlights from a new collaborative project between the Resolution Foundation and Nuffield College, Oxford, we will hear from leading experts on the key issues