Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

America in Therapy – Phyllis LeAvitt



America in Therapy Phyllis Leavitt All you have to do is turn the news on at night and you will receive a dose of hopelessness, despair and a feeling helplessness. It’s all around us. All of the time. The country and the society that we once knew is gone. The goal of every generation prior to this one was to provide our children a better life than the one we had. To help them prepare for the future. To leave a legacy that will be a blessing to our posterity. I believe, and this is just Pastor Bob speaking here, but I believe this is going to be the first generation where we are leaving behind something nobody wants. This is the first generation where we are actually leaving things worse than what we had – and nobody seems to care. This is the first generation that is all about “me – right now” and not worried about tomorrow. Our guest today is writing a book titled, “America in Therapy.” And do we need therapy right now – and a lot of it. Amen! Phyllis Leavitt  is the author of this book, “America in Therapy