Resolution Foundation Podcasts

The Innovation Job: Can new labour market institutions drive good work?



Nationally set minimum standards – from the minimum wage to holiday pay – make a real difference to the quality of low-paid work. But these reforms can only go so far. Many problems in the world of work are concentrated in specific sectors, from social care to logistics. And even when problems are shared – such as a lack of training – the answers to address them may be different. While the UK has not seen innovation in labour market institutions for decades, other countries with similar labour markets – from New Zealand to the US – have begun exploring new routes to improving the quality of work. Are there challenges with areas of lower-paid or lower-quality work that cannot be addressed by national regulations? To what extent do unions and potential new labour market institutions covering specific sectors offer routes to better work? What can we learn from other similar countries – from Ireland to New Zealand – that have done more experimentation? And what route should the UK take to delivering a good work a