Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Creating an Actionable Plan with Tracy Roesch Williams



When I met our guest speaker today, I resonated so strongly with her story because I have been there. While our stories played differently, we both have walked in the same direction; to become what source wanted us to be; to be of value to others and ourselves.   Tracy Roesch Williams has been empowering visionary entrepreneurs for over two decades. She’s an Executive Coach & Consultant with a passion for crafting growth strategies, fostering accountability, and building thriving connections.    She uses her Vision Map Framework (business creative plan) and Business Mastery program when working with clients in their business growth. She believes that it's about not only navigating but enjoying this entrepreneurial journey. Tracy and I dish on:  - Identifying (and eliminating) the hindrance between you and your connection to the source  - The power of community in the modern world  - Her vision mapping framework and how it works  - Manifestation requires you do your part   Purchase your copy of Love Based