

Ezekiel 36:16 — Is humanity responsible for all the evil in the world? The Bible says that humanity was made in the image of God and they were made upright, but they sinned and become corrupt when they put their own wisdom above that of God. Ever since, all the children of Adam and Eve have been born in sin and corruption. In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:16 titled “The Act of Rebellion,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that this sinful nature lies at the heart of all false worship and rebellion. What is the cure for humanity’s sinful and depraved nature? Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that it is none other than the death of God’s own Son upon the cross of Calvary. Human depravity is so thorough that it must be removed by Jesus Christ dying for sinners so that they would be clean. No moral improvement, no amount of education, and no good deeds can ever atone for sin. Only Jesus can cleanse from all sin and make anyone holy before God. All must repent and believe upon the crucified Son of God in order to be freed from death