Jane Hamill | Podcast

Holiday Season Planning in 30 Minutes or Less (phase one)



What if you spent 30 minutes planning your Holiday sales and emails?  As in...right now. Today.  Without overthinking, over analyzing, or fancy planning tools. This episode breaks down 4 simple steps to crushing your BFCM and Holiday season sales. This is phase One of planning and I promise you, it can be done quickly. Let me know how it goes, OK? Hit me at brain@fashionbrainacademy.com.  Show Notes:  https://fashionbrainacademy.com/holiday30/ If you’ve been slogging away at your business for a while & still thinking: “I’m working way too hard to be making this little money.” “My business looks good on paper but it’s killing me.” “I’ve totally lost track of my ideal customer and how to speak to them.” Maybe it's time to consider some coaching. Check it out here:  https://fashionbrainacademy.com/calendar/