The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP496: Dave Lindahl - How To Create A $1 Billion Fortune Through Thought Leadership



“And if they can do it, you can do it too.”Dave Lindahl is a former musician who transformed himself into a real estate magnate. From starting with a lawnmower to owning over 9,000 multi-family units across 29 markets, his story is a testament to his resilience and strategic thinking.Discover Dave's insights into market cycles, his approach to identifying emerging markets, and his transition from a local entrepreneur to a thought leader in the real estate industry. Learn how he leverages tenants' rent payments and shares his knowledge through podcasts, speaking engagements, and educational courses.Expert action steps: You’ve got to have a goal. If you have a goal, you've got to ask yourself “how do I get them?”, “Why not me?”, "How do I get there?”. You've got to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Take action. Get a mentor.To find out more about Dave's journey and upcoming events, visit and and book a success call with Nicky to take your prac